Not since 2013 have so many applicants seeking to become lawyers taken the Utah Bar Exam. There were 325 people who took the two-day examination at the Mountain America Expo Center in Sandy and 10 individuals who took the exam with accommodations at the Utah Law & Justice Center in Salt Lake City.
Utah Bar Admissions staff and proctors were prepared to administer the testing that has adopted the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE). The UBE is a standardized examination in the United States developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Additionally, all Bar exam participants must pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) with an 86 or higher.
Utah’s examination consisted of several sessions as follows:
Day 1 – July 30
The written portion of the exam is administered on the first day of the Utah bar exam. The written portion of the bar exam consists of the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) and the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE). Participants had three hours to answer two MPT questions. They also had three hours to answer six MEE questions.
Day 2 – July 31
The Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) was administered on the second day of the Utah Bar Exam. The MBE is a multiple-choice test containing 200 questions. The MBE is split into a morning and afternoon session. Each session consists of 100 questions. Participants had three hours to complete each session.
Examinees are required to score at least 270 to pass the Utah bar exam. This equates to 135, based on the MBR’s 200-point scale. The scores of the exam sections are weighted as follows: MEE 30%, MPT 20%, and MBE 50%.
FUN FACT: The first bar examination in what is now the United States was administered in oral form in the Delaware Colony in 1783.
Below is a photo gallery of the 2024 Utah Bar Examination. We thank all the participants and our staff for all the hard work put into the testing.