Each year the Utah State Bar recognizes individuals, community members, and organizations who have helped improve Utah’s legal system.
For The Advancement Of Women In The Legal Profession
Awarded to a Utah State Bar attorney whose professionalism, public service, and dedication improves the legal profession, enhances the administration of justice, and the delivery of legal services in Utah. The award recipient should have a history of encouraging new efforts and engaging in significant activity on behalf of the advancement of women in the legal profession.
The recipient is selected in January.
Advancement of Minorities in the Law
Awarded to an Utah State Bar attorney whose professionalism, public service, and dedication improves the legal profession, enhances the administration of justice, and the delivery of legal services in Utah. The award recipient should have a history of encouraging new efforts and engaging in significant activity on behalf of the advancement of minorities in the legal profession.
This Award recognizes and honors outstanding contributions to the mental, physical, and emotional health and well-being of members of Utah’s legal community, and may be awarded to individuals, sections, committees, or organizations.
2023 Martha Knudson
Career exemplifies the highest standards of judicial conduct for integrity and independence; who is knowledgeable of the law and faithful to it; who is unswayed by partisan interests, public clamor or fear of criticism; patient, dignified and courteous to all who appear before the court; endeavors to improve the administration of justice and public understanding of, and respect for, the role of law in our society. The recipient is selected in June.
Presented to a Utah State Bar member who, over a long and distinguished legal career, has by their ethical and personal conduct, commitment and activities, exemplified for their fellow attorneys the epitome of professionalism; who has also rendered extraordinary contributions to the programs and activities of the Utah State Bar in the prior year. The recipient is selected in June.
Presented to a section of the Utah State Bar that has made outstanding contributions of time and talents to Bar activities as well as provided outstanding services, programs and/or activities for Bar members and the public at large during the past year; “given annually to recognize programs of the bar that serve the mission of being a united, inclusive organization serving the legal profession and the public.” The recipient is selected in June.
Presented to the Committee of the Utah State Bar that has made outstanding contributions of time and talents to Bar activities as well as provide outstanding services, programs and/or activities for Bar members and the public at large during the past year. Recipient is selected in June.
The Professionalism Award recognizes a lawyer or judge whose “deportment in the practice of law represents the highest standards of fairness, integrity, and civility.” The award was first given out in 2004 and includes a list of prominent members of the Bar who have exhibited the type of truthfulness, reliability, and honor which is held as a standard among their peers. The recipient is selected in September.
Awarded to an individual attorney who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to the mentorship of Utah lawyers, generally. These individuals have guided lawyers throughout their professional training in a continuing, multifaceted partnership sustained by mutual respect and concern. These mentors make a broad impact on mentorship by facilitating communities or building infrastructure. They have provided intellectual leadership, created a supportive environment, have acted as advocates, and promoted diversity and inclusiveness.
The Lifetime Service to the Bar Award recognizes lawyers or judges whose esteemed careers have been dedicated to significant involvement in the activities, programs, and leadership of the Utah State Bar and devoted to enriching the legal profession and serving the public. The award was first given in 2006. Recipients have included prominent senior members of the Bar, including twelve past Bar Presidents, three former Bar Commissioners; two with significant involvement in the American Bar Association and one with exceptional involvement in important Bar programs. Past winners were also members of the Utah State Legislature, Federal Court judges, the first Woman Utah Supreme Court Justice, and a founding member of the Utah Court of Appeals who was the first woman Utah State Bar President.
To acknowledge a Bar member who has made significant contributions to his/her cause through his/her philanthropic service. The recipient is selected in October.
Awarded to an individual attorney who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to the mentorship of Utah lawyers, generally. These individuals have guided lawyers throughout their professional training in a continuing, multifaceted partnership sustained by mutual respect and concern. These mentors make a broad impact on mentorship by facilitating communities or building infrastructure. They have provided intellectual leadership, created a supportive environment, have acted as advocates, and promoted diversity and inclusiveness.
To A Community Member Or Organization For Their Contribution To A Better Understanding And Appreciation Of The American Justice System
Mentor of the Year will have been a valued guide who helped the new lawyer understand the rules of professionalism and civility and how adherence to them benefits clients and the profession as a whole. The recipient is selected in September.
Awarded to an individual attorney who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to the mentorship of Utah lawyers, generally. These individuals have guided lawyers throughout their professional training in a continuing, multifaceted partnership sustained by mutual respect and concern. These mentors make a broad impact on mentorship by facilitating communities or building infrastructure. They have provided intellectual leadership, created a supportive environment, have acted as advocates, and promoted diversity and inclusiveness.
Presented to an attorney/law firm who has made an exemplary contribution of time & effort, without compensation, to provide legal assistance to people who could not afford the assistance of any attorney. Designed to reflect contributions during the past year as well as over an attorney’s career. “Services to low-income people encompasses both aggressive advocacy on behalf of individuals in extreme need as well as impact advocacy designed to address systemic issues affecting significant numbers of low-income people. The recipient is selected in September.
Law Firm
Young Lawyer
Law Student / Law School
To Recognize A Lawyer And/Or A Law Firm Who Have Made An Outstanding Contribution To Law-Related Education For Youth In The State Of Utah
The Young Lawyer of the Year Award is presented by the Young Lawyers Division to a member of the Division who, by their ethical and personal conduct, commitment, and activities, has exemplified professionalism and public service, who has also encouraged and supported other members, the programs, and/or the activities of the Young Lawyers Division.
Nominations should be substantive, and include details describing how the attorney meets and/or exceeds the criteria set forth in the award schedule and description. Nominations are limited to 400 words. Nominations may include up to two attachments (i.e., magazine/newspaper articles, letters of support for the nomination, etc.). Self-nominations are encouraged.
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