NLTP Deferment Form

New Lawyer Training Program

Request and Declaration of Exemption or Temporary Deferment – UCJA Rule 14-808(c) and (d)

Please copy and paste one of the following six options into the “Comments” box below. Be sure to fill in any blanks.”

1. Clerkship – Temporary Deferment: I am or will soon be employed as a judicial clerk for _____________________________ Court(s) until the following approximate date(s): ___________________. At the completion of my clerkship(s), I will enroll in the next NLTP term. See Rule 14-808(c)(1).

2. Not Practicing Law or Unemployment – Temporary Deferment: I am on active status but currently unemployed or am not practicing law. I am requesting a temporary deferment from enrolling in the NLTP until my status changes. See Rule 14-808(c)(2).

3. Inactive Status – Temporary Deferment: I am not currently practicing law in Utah and on inactive status. If I elect to change from inactive status to active status, I will enroll in the next NLTP term. See Rule 14-808(c)(2).

4. Non-Resident – Exemption: I am not currently living in Utah or practicing Utah law. If maintain an active license status in Utah, I will comply with applicable MCLE requirements. I understand that if I move back to Utah or begin practicing Utah law before I have actively practiced as an attorney in another jurisdiction for at least two years, I will no longer be exempt and will need to enroll in the NLTP. See Rule 14-808(d)(1).

5. Practiced Elsewhere for Two Years or More – Exemption: I was admitted to the State(s) of __________________________________ on the following date(s): ___________________________. I actively practiced law as an attorney for at least two years prior to my admission to the Utah State Bar. See Rule 14-808(d)(2).

6. Completed Substantially Similar Mentoring Program – Partial or Full Exemption Request: I completed a substantially similar mandatory mentoring program in _____________________ in the year _______________. I am requesting a Partial Exemption Full exemption. I have contacted the NLTP Director to inquire whether the other jurisdiction’s mentoring plan has previously been reviewed by the Committee on New Lawyer Training. If it has not, then I acknowledge that I must submit the following documentation to the NLTP Director within the next two weeks for review: a) a copy of the jurisdiction’s mentoring program, b) a detailed comparison between the two mentoring programs to identify how the program substantially complies with the NLTP, and c) verification that I completed the program. I understand that the Committee has complete discretion to approve or deny my petition in full or in part.

NLTP Request & Declaration of Exemption or Temporary Deferment Form

New Lawyers Name(Required)
Business Address(Required)

Please select one of the following six options:



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